Mount Elizabeth Orthodontic Clinic


Specialist Dental Clinic in Orthodontics | +65 6327 2237 (ME-BRACES)

Lingual Braces & Combination

Upper Lingual braces with lower ceramic braces or removable clear aligners (e.g. Invisalign) combinations

offer a good balance in terms of reasonable cost, comfort, treatment effectiveness and predictable treatment outcome.

This option is a popular treatment option at our clinic.

We have been providing invisible and aesthetic orthodontic braces combination for more than 20 years and we have many happy and satisfied adult patients who otherwise would not have opted for orthodontic treatment.

Dr Lim Hong Meng is one of few orthodontists in Singapore known for his experience and expertise in lingual orthodontics.

The use and management of lingual braces treatment is a highly demanding technique as it requires many years of experience and a good eye for detail and skills. Dr. Lim has been providing lingual braces treatment for more than 20 years.